BioSystems Technology
Efficient, Ethical and consistent
BioSystems Technology Ltd provides low cost, high-throughput, ethical solutions
for researchers who require alternatives to animal testing.

What are alternative research models?
Alternative research models are non-mammalian systems that address scientific needs, while minimising the regulatory burden and ethical issues associated with the use of experimental mammals. Our alternatives are cheaper, capable of increasing statistical power and results can be obtained more quickly.
TruLarv Galleria mellonella
Standardised Galleria mellonella larvae called TruLarv™ are considered a non-animal technology (NAT) in the context of UK and EU animal use regulations (ASPA) where procedures on this species are not regulated. Use of TruLarv™ as a model host is considered to reflect aspects of complexity present in an entire animal and are accepted as an ethical alternative to higher animals for research. Insect models are increasingly being used in a broad range of scientific applications with the added advantage of being relatively inexpensive. Larvae of the wax moth Galleria mellonella possess an innate immune system that is structurally and functionally similar to that of mammals, comprising cellular and humoral responses, and has been validated as a screening model for in vivo evaluation of pathogenicity, efficacy and pharmacokinetics for novel antimicrobials.